BABY BEHAVIOR 101: Prevention of Overfeeding by Helping Mothers Understand Their Babies
Day 1-Sept. 11, 2009(9:00am-4:45pm)
Day 2–Oct. 2, 2009(9:00am–4:45pm)
Fresno State University
University Student Union
5280 N. Jackson Ave
Fresno, CA 93740
*Detailed room and parking information will be sent in the registration packets once payment has been received.
Registration is easy. Simply print and complete the registration form and send it to us by fax or mail (contact information) or if you prefer, you can register by phone.
- 1-2 Attendees from the same organization
Early Bird Cost (On or before 8/14/09) – $195 each
Regular Cost (8/15/09-9/10/09) – $225 each
- 3 or more Attendees from the same organization
Early Bird Cost (On or before 8/14/09) – $170 each
Regular Cost (8/15/09-9/10/09) – $200 each
Click here for a copy of the agenda.
Click here to see comments about our past confereces!
Continuing Education Credits:
- IBCLCs – 3 L-CERPs & 8.5 R-CERPs
- RNs – 13.8 Contact Hours
Refund Policy:
In order to cover our mandatory expenses, we must adhere to the following refund policy:
- Full refunds (100%) will be available for cancellations up to and including 14 days prior to the event.
- 50% refunds will be available for cancellations up to and including 7 days prior to the event.
- No refunds are available for cancellations less than 7 days prior to the event.
- We are sorry but there will be no exceptions to this policy.